What is OpenRTB?

The mission of the OpenRTB project is to spur greater growth in the real-time bidding (RTB) advertising marketplace by providing open industry standards for communication between buyers of advertising and sellers of publisher inventory. OpenRTB was launched in late 2010 by a pilot team of six companies in the online advertising space and representing both the buy and sell sides:

Demand-Side Platforms (DSP) founders: DataXu, MediaMath, Turn Supply-Side Platforms (SSP) founders: AdMeld, Pubmatic, The Rubicon Project, ContextWeb (Pulsepoint)

IAB home of OpenRTB

Official, final IAB certified versions of the spec are available here: http://www.iab.net/rtbproject

OpenRTB Documentation and examples Github repository

Visit us here to get the latest and greatest draft specs, and post and track issues. https://github.com/openrtb/OpenRTB

Mailing Lists

Interested companies, please join our OpenRTB user mailing list at: http://groups.google.com/group/openrtb-user?hl=en


For the latest version of OpenRTB, see the official IAB Page: http://www.iab.net/rtbproject

Some History

OpenRTB Blocklist API

This was the first project by the founding groups of the OpenRTB consortium. The goal of OpenRTB Online Blocklist Sync was to reduce the cost and increase the consistency of managing the synchronization of advertiser requirements and publisher requirements with all players in the ecosystem. Advertiser and publisher requirements which are often called "block lists", are supplied by advertisers to DSPs and by publishers to SSPs. Traditionally, these block lists have been supplied in different ways to different providers, which then need to be translated by hand by DSP and SSP parties before a campaign begins. By eliminating this labor-intensive bottleneck of the RTB industry, we will spur greater growth for both DSPs and SSPs by lowering operational costs.

OpenRTB Mobile - also known as OpenRTB 1.0+

In response to a rapidly growing interest in RTB from the mobile advertising community, a subcommittee for Mobile within OpenRTB was established. Referred to as OpenRTB Mobile, the subcommittee’s mission is well-aligned with that of the broader OpenRTB project and will leverage as much commonality as possible (e.g., synchronization of block lists, common taxonomies, etc.). In addition, OpenRTB Mobile addresses mobile specific needs such as device issues, data overlays, and web vs. application nuances. OpenRTB Mobile is also establishing full RTB API specifications taking advantage of mobile as an emerging RTB domain and learning from years of online experience. The initial members of OpenRTB Mobile are as follows:

|Supply-Side Platforms (SSP): |Nexage, Pubmatic, Smaato | |Demand-Side Platforms (DSP): | DataXu, Fiksu, Jumptap, & [X+1] |

OpenRTB Unified API (Including Video)

The OpenRTB 2.1 Spec is available on this github site and also: Find it here: http://www.iab.net/rtbproject


Follow these links to learn more:

OpenRTB Specifications

Getting Started http://www.iab.net/rtbproject

Contact Us

email: info at openrtb.info